Frequently Asked Questions- Please read before emailing me!

Thanks so much for being interested in my art and wanting to know more.

Some general frequently asked questions I get are as follows:

Q: "Do you do drops?"
A: Every now and then if a collection is all fairly similar. For the most part, I've been trying to update my shop as items are made. Check back regularly to not miss out!

Q: "Can you copy a previous work you've done?"
A: If you mean you want a print, I can make prints of just about any piece of art of mine that you see posted online. The exceptions being previous logos and custom work. If you mean that you want me to copy an original of mine into another original- not likely...but never hurts to ask!

Q: "Can I send you my own item to paint?
A: Yes! I've done quite a few customs where I get sent the item to paint. Beforehand we would discuss the material of your item and I'd have you send me a few close up photos of the item to determine if I can paint what you want on the surface.

Q: "Do you do tattoo drawings?"
A: I can and have, but it will be a case-by-case type of thing. Send me an email with your idea and type of style and I'll let you know if I think we're a good fit!
If you like a piece of art of mine and want to get it tattooed, please email me first and then I will make a special listing for you to purchase a "Tattoo Pass" to show your tattoo artist that they are allowed to tattoo the art as-is and won't be in any copyright troubles.